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东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。  

2011-03-09 11:22:12|  分类: 〓酒店 设计 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,


东京情人旅馆设计展│LLove Exhibition | Tokyo。 - │Icê Blüe│ - ∑xtent°∧rt,

Llove是一个在线的情人旅馆设计展,展出来自荷兰和日本设计师的情人旅馆室内设计,主题为“Still in Llove”。策展人为荷兰女设计师Suzanne Oxenaar,她同时也是阿姆斯特丹Lloyd旅馆的设计总监,网站的浏览者可通过展览官网预定这些风格各异,充满设计感的旅馆房间,官方网站:http://llove.jp/
The design of the room in the Llove hotel, is about the emotion, the romance and compassion of love. The main object in the room will be light. Light is visible to human but whether visible to the eye or not, a really interesting aspect of light is that we ‘feel’ light. This is because of the electromagnetic radiation of the wave lengths and also the temperature. In many legends sunsets or moonlight are an important and magical part of processes as it touches our emotions. But it’s not just about the light in this room. You think you enter a regular hotel-room, but when you have a closer look, you see that the objects behave peculiar; The bed is crawling up the wall. The chair is desperately stretching out to get closer to the table. The lights are entangled and the toothbrushes are totally into one and another. But what else would you expect from a Llove hotel… everything has fallen in LLove!


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